包鸿慧,周睿,曹龙奎.响应面法优化CCMS / WG 复合包装膜制备工艺的研究[J].包装工程,2013,34(15):28-33.
BAO Hong-hui,ZHOU Rui,CAO Long-kui.Optimization on the Preparation Technology of CCMS / WG Composite Packaging Film by Response Surface Methodology[J].Packaging Engineering,2013,34(15):28-33.
响应面法优化CCMS / WG 复合包装膜制备工艺的研究
Optimization on the Preparation Technology of CCMS / WG Composite Packaging Film by Response Surface Methodology
投稿时间:2013-06-13  修订日期:2013-08-10
中文关键词: 谷朊粉  交联羧甲基玉米淀粉  包装膜  响应面  优化
英文关键词: wheat gluten  cross-linked carboxymethyl corn starch  packaging films  response surface methodology  optimization
包鸿慧 黑龙江八一农垦大学, 大庆163319 
周睿 黑龙江八一农垦大学, 大庆163319 
曹龙奎 1. 黑龙江八一农垦大学, 大庆163319
2. 国家杂粮工程技术研究中心, 大庆163319 
      利用响应面分析法研究了CCMS/ WG 复合包装膜优化制备工艺,考察了谷朊粉、交联羧甲基玉米淀粉和丙三醇用量对CCMS/ WG 复合包装膜综合性能评定值的影响,得出了复合包装膜优化制备工艺的回归模型。结果表明,当谷朊粉用量为0. 65 g,交联羧甲基玉米淀粉用量为4. 77 g,丙三醇用量为1. 05 g 时,CCMS/ WG 复合包装膜性能最佳,其厚度为0. 096 mm,拉伸强度为20. 3 MPa,断裂伸长率为39. 1%,单位冲击破损能量为5. 73 J/ mm,水蒸气透过系数为3. 58 g·mm/ (m2 ·d·kPa),透氧系数为0. 69×10-15 cm3 ·cm / (m2 ·s·Pa),透光率为37. 6%,复合包装膜综合性能评定值最高达15. 73。
      The cross-linked carboxymethyl corn starch (CCMS) / wheat gluten(WG) packaging films were prepared by solution mixing technique. The effects of the wheat gluten amount, CCMS amount and glycerin amount on the comprehensive performance evaluation of value of CCMS/ WG Composite packaging film were studied according to response surface methodology analysis and the regression equation were established. The optimum technology conditions were confirmed as follow:the film thickness 0. 096 mm, tensile strength was 20. 3 MPa, tensile elongation at break was 39. 1%,puncture strength was 5. 73 J/ mm, water vapor permeability was 3. 58 g·mm/ (m2 ·d·kPa),oxygen permeability was 0. 69×10-15 cm3 ·cm/ (m2 ·s·Pa) and light transmittance of CCMS/ WG composite packaging film was 37. 6% when the additive amount of wheat gluten was 0. 65 g, the additive amount of CCMS was 4. 77 g and the additive amount of glycerin was 1. 05 g. The Comprehensive performance evaluation of value of CCMS/ WG Composite packaging film was up to 15. 73.
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