WANG Zhi-li,WANG Jiu-long,CHEN Zhi-qiang.Standard about Flat Pallets Test Methods[J].Packaging Engineering,2014,35(11):139-144,149.
Standard about Flat Pallets Test Methods
投稿时间:2013-10-31  修订日期:2014-06-01
中文关键词: 托盘试验方法  额定载荷  最大工作载荷  联运通用平托盘
英文关键词: the pallet test method  nominal load  maximum working load  general-purpose flat pallets
汪志立 中国包装科研测试中心 天津 300457 
王久龙 天津科技大学 天津 300222 
陈志强 中国包装科研测试中心 天津 300457 
      目的 针对现有托盘标准 GB 4995—1996 及 GB 4996—1996 不能满足托盘实际检测需要的现状, 研究最新的托盘标准及其应用 。 方法 在介绍了国际托盘标准 ISO 8611—2011 的托盘试验方法及性能要求基础上, 通过现场试验对比托盘试验方案。 结果 ISO 8611—2011 托盘试验方案更为全面, 托盘试验得到的数据更为详细, 对托盘生产和使用具有指导作用 。 结论 托盘的生产及使用企业通过 ISO 8611—2011 标准, 能选用更符合企业要求的托盘, 建议尽快修订现有国家标准, 以满足物流业发展需要。
      Objective To introduce the test method and performance requirements of international pallet standard ISO 8611—2011 which provided the test method applicable to real situation with advantages over the current pallet standard GB 4995—1996 & GB 4996—1996. Methods Based on the introduction of the test method and the performance requirements in the international pallet standard ISO 8611—2011, GB 4995—1996 & GB 4996—1996 was compared with the ISO 8611—2011 test standard by field test. Results It was found that ISO 8611—2011 was more comprehensive in testing program and more detailed in the data obtained, which provides guidance for the manufacturing and usage of the pallets. Conclusion The manufacturers and consumers of pallets are advised to select pallets that pass the ISO 8611—2011 and better meet the requirements of the enterprises. It is suggested that the existing national standards should be revised as soon as possible, in order to meet the development of logistics industry.
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