WU Kun-pei,RUAN Hong-mei,ZHAO Yue,WANG Jun,HUANG Hai-jun,LUO Han-ying,JIE Xiao-hua,JIE Gan-xin.Packaging Protection Technology of Weldments in the Process of Sea Transport[J].Packaging Engineering,2016,37(7):66-70.
Packaging Protection Technology of Weldments in the Process of Sea Transport
投稿时间:2015-07-16  修订日期:2016-04-10
中文关键词: 冷喷锌  焊接件  海运  包装防护
英文关键词: cold sprayed zinc  welding parts  sea transportation  protective packaging
基金项目:广东省中国电器院风电装备腐蚀控制关键技术院士工作站 (2013B090400023)
吴坤培 1. 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 5106632. 广东工业大学广州 510006 
阮红梅 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 510663 
赵钺 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 510663 
王俊 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 510663 
黄海军 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 510663 
骆汉英 1. 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 5106632. 威凯检测技术有限公司广州 510663 
揭晓华 广东工业大学广州 510006 
揭敢新 中国电器科学研究院有限公司工业产品环境适应性国家重点实验室广州 510663 
      目的 研究新型包装防护技术对焊接件的防护效果及其对后续焊接、 涂装等工艺的影响, 解决常规包装无法解决的焊接部位腐蚀防护问题。方法 通过自然环境暴露实验、 中性盐雾实验对焊接件常规包装防护方式和改进后的新型包装防护方式, 即PE袋密封包装、 气相防锈袋和气相防锈袋+冷喷锌的防护效果进行对比研究。结果 30 d盐雾实验后, PE袋密封包装防护下焊接件基材、 焊缝都出现了腐蚀迹象, 其中焊缝部位相对于基材锈蚀更加严重。气相防锈袋密封包装防护下焊接件基材基本上无锈蚀, 焊缝部位出现轻微腐蚀。气相防锈袋+冷喷锌包装防护下焊接件基材以及焊缝部位都相对完好, 未出现任何锈蚀现象。结论 常规的包装防护方式对焊接件基材有一定的保护作用, 但是对焊接部位并不能起到较好的保护。改进后的气相防锈袋+冷喷锌包装防护方式综合了气相防锈技术和冷喷锌的双重优势, 对焊接件的基材、 焊缝及热影响区均具有较好的保护效果, 且不影响后续的喷涂焊接工艺等, 该组合型防护方式可有效应用到焊接件的海运包装防护中。
      This work aimed to study the protective effect of cold sprayed zinc on the welding structure parts and the influence of its subsequent treatment processes such as welding, coating and so on, and to solve the problem of weld corrosion which cannot be solved by conventional packaging. The effect of the three protection methods used in protective packaging for metal structure parts was studied, including PE bag packaging, VCI packaging and VCI and cold zinc sprayed protective packaging, through the natural environmental exposure test, the neutral salt spray test and other laboratory methods. After 30 days of salt spray test, the metal substrate of welding plates under the protection of PE bag packaging showed corrosion in both the substrate and the welds, and the welds showed more serious corrosion than the substrate. The metal substrate of welding plates under the protection of VCI packaging showed no obvious corrosion, but their weld and heat affected zones showed a few signs of corrosion. In contrast, the welding plates under the protection of the VCI and cold zinc sprayed protective packaging showed no obvious sign of corrosion. The results showed that the conventional protective packaging could only protect the metal substrate, but not the weld joint. The improved protective packaging method, cold sprayed zinc, had outstanding protective effects, and was easy to use. This method had less pollution, and would not affect the subsequent painting and welding or other process. Besides, the VCI packaging could provide good protection on metal substrate. So the combined type protective packaging could be an effective protection way applied to welding metal structure parts.
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