YANG Zhi-yuan,WANG Hui-yuan,ZHANG Peng-jun,ZHANG Cheng-qing,NIU Bi-kai.Design Improvement of Ammunition Box for Aerial Cannon Supplies Based on ADAMS[J].Packaging Engineering,2016,37(7):80-84.
Design Improvement of Ammunition Box for Aerial Cannon Supplies Based on ADAMS
投稿时间:2015-04-28  修订日期:2016-04-10
中文关键词: 线性无链供弹  折叠排列  动力学仿真
英文关键词: liner chainless feeding  folding arrangement  dynamic simulation
杨志远 中北大学太原 030051 
王惠源 中北大学太原 030051 
张鹏军 中北大学太原 030051 
张成卿 中北大学太原 030051 
牛碧凯 中国兵器工业208所北京 102200 
      目的 提出一种23 mm航炮无链供弹箱设计, 使其空间利用率提高, 降低供弹所需的能量, 提高高射速武器供弹系统可靠性。方法 改变无链供弹输送单元的排列方式, 根据现有供弹箱设计进行排列; 计算关键弹箱的主要改变部分; 利用动力学软件ADAMS对关键部分进行仿真验证。结果 供弹箱改进以后, 空间利用率提高了50%, 相同弹药的供弹功耗降低了54%, 极大地提高了供弹系统的可靠性; 关键处设计可以通过ADAMS仿真验证。结论 文中的设计改进能够在很大程度上提高现有供弹箱的性能, 对未来高射速武器供弹系统设计有一定意义。
      This experiment proposed one kind of 23 mm chainless feed box design to improve its space utilization, reduce the energy required to feed and improve reliability of the high-speed weapon ammunition system. The arrangement of chainless feeding conveyor units was changed and rearranged according to the existing feeding box design. The key changed part of the essential ammunition box was calculated. The simulation confirmation was conducted using the dynamics software ADAMS for the essential part. After improvement, the space utilization was increased by 50%, the equal ammunition feeding power loss was reduced by 54%, which greatly improved the feed system reliability. The design of key parts passed the ADAMS simulation test. The design can improve the property of the feeding box to a large extent and had certain significance for the design of high-speed weapon ammunition system in the future.
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