LI Min-wen,WEN Wen-jie,ZHANG Qin-fa,SUN Jiang-hua.Effect of Heat Pre-treatment on Properties of Fiber of Herb residues and Blends with PP[J].Packaging Engineering,2017,38(19):82-86.
Effect of Heat Pre-treatment on Properties of Fiber of Herb residues and Blends with PP
投稿时间:2016-11-23  修订日期:2017-10-10
中文关键词: 药渣纤维  热预处理  聚丙烯  共混材料
英文关键词: herb residues  heat pre-treatment  polypropylene  blends
李敏雯 无限极(中国)有限公司广州 510640 
温文杰 无限极(中国)有限公司广州 510640 
张钦发 华南农业大学广州 510640 
孙江华 华南农业大学广州 510640 
      目的 提高药渣纤维的疏水性、药渣纤维与塑料的相容性以及药渣纤维的分散性,从而提高纤维/塑料共混材料的强度。方法 以灵芝药渣经机械挤撵破碎、发酵后得到的药渣纤维为原料,通过热处理对药渣纤维进行预处理以提高纤维的疏水性,研究热处理温度和时间对药渣纤维的质量损失率、色差、吸湿性和吸水率的影响,以及热处理对药渣纤维/PP共混材料物理力学性能的影响。结果 与未处理的药渣纤维相比,经温度180 ℃和处理时间40 min的热处理后的药渣纤维吸湿率(温度为35 ℃,相对湿度为90%)下降8%,吸水率下降30.6%。其与PP共混材料的熔融指数、抗张强度、弯曲强度和抗冲强度分别提高了约100%,12%,8.7%,13%,且共混材料的均匀性也得到明显提高。结论 随着处理温度的升高和时间的延长,药渣纤维的吸湿率和吸水率明显下降,但质量损失率和色差变化增大,且处理温度的影响大于处理时间。经热处理后的药渣纤维与PP共混材料的力学性能、流动性和均匀性得到明显提高。
      The work aims to improve the hydrophobicity of herb residue fiber, compatibility of herb residue fiber/plastics and dispersity of herb residue fiber, so as to enhance the strength of herb residue fiber/plastics blends. With the herb residue fiber obtained by means of mechanical crushing and fermentation of herb residues of lucid ganoderma as the raw material, the herb residue fiber was pre-heated by heat treatment to improve the hydrophobicity of the fiber. The influence of heat treatment temperature and time on the mass loss rate, color difference, moisture and water absorption of herb residue fiber and the influence of heat treatment on physical and mechanical property of herb residue fiber/PP blends were researched. Compared with the untreated herb residue fiber, the moisture absorption of herb residues (temperature of 35 ℃ and relative humidity of 90%) subject to heat treatment at 180 ℃ for 40 min was reduced by 8%, and the water absorption was reduced by 30.6%. The melt flow rate, tensile strength, bending strength and impact strength of herb residue fiber/PP blends were increased by about 100%, 12%, 8.7% and 13%, respectively; and the homogeneity of the blends was also significantly improved. With the increase in the treatment temperature and the prolongation of the time, the moisture and water absorption of the herb residue fiber is remarkably reduced, but the change in mass loss rate and color difference is increased, and the influence of the treatment temperature is larger than that of the treatment time. The mechanical property, liquidity and homogeneity of the herb residue fiber and PP blends after heat treatment are significantly im-proved.
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