JIANG Yu-jie,HAN Xiao-long.Fuzzy Optimization Model of Maritime Empty Container Repositioning under the Cooperation of Shipping Companies[J].Packaging Engineering,2018,39(1):151-156.
Fuzzy Optimization Model of Maritime Empty Container Repositioning under the Cooperation of Shipping Companies
投稿时间:2017-07-27  修订日期:2018-01-10
中文关键词: 航运公司  合作;海运空箱调运;模糊机会约束规划
英文关键词: shipping company  cooperative  maritime empty container repositioning  fuzzy chance constrained programming
江玉杰 上海海事大学 物流研究中心上海 201306 
韩晓龙 上海海事大学 物流研究中心上海 201306 
      目的 对单独调箱与合作调箱策略进行对比分析,以期为航运公司选择最佳调箱策略提供参考。方法 考虑港口空箱供需差和运力约束的模糊性,以空箱调运总成本最小为目标,建立基于航运公司合作的海运空箱调运模糊优化模型,并通过LINGO建模求解具体算例。结果 与单独调箱策略相比,采用合作调运策略能够有效降低航运公司的物流总成本。其中0.32%来自存储成本的节约,54.05%来自租箱成本的节约,45.63%来自运输成本的节约。结论 采用合作调箱策略,能够降低航运公司空箱调运的总成本,能够弱化单位空箱存储成本和租赁成本的增加对空箱调运总成本的影响,但单位运输成本和运费加成因子的增加会降低合作调运空箱策略的优势。
      The work aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the individual and cooperative empty container repositioning strategy to provide a reference for shipping company to choose the best empty container repositioning strategy. Considering the fuzziness of empty container supply and demand margin in a port, as well as ship capacity constraint, with the minimization of the total cost of empty container transportation as the objective, the fuzzy optimization model of maritime empty container repositioning based on the cooperation of shipping companies was established. Then, the specific example was solved by LINGO. The cooperative empty container repositioning strategy could effectively reduce the total logistics cost of the shipping company compared with the individual empty container repositioning strategy. Of these, 0.32% came from storage cost savings, 54.05% from the rental cost savings, and 45.63% from transportation cost savings. In concision, the cooperative empty container repositioning strategy can reduce the total cost of empty container repositioning of the shipping company, and weaken the influence of the increase of the unit cost of holding and leasing empty container on the total cost of empty container repositioning, but the increase of unit transportation cost and freight royalty factor reduces the advantage of the cooperative empty container repositioning strategy.
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