ZHANG Zhi-juan,SUN De-qiang.Influence of Cell Wall Material Properties on Aluminum Honeycomb In-plane Mechanical Property[J].Packaging Engineering,2018,39(5):38-43.
Influence of Cell Wall Material Properties on Aluminum Honeycomb In-plane Mechanical Property
投稿时间:2017-07-26  修订日期:2018-03-10
中文关键词: 正六边形蜂窝  应变强化  峰应力  力学性能
英文关键词: regular hexagonal honeycombs  strain hardening  peak stress  mechanical property
张志娟 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
孙德强 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
      目的 研究不同属性的基体材料对铝蜂窝共面压缩力学性能的影响。方法 在保持正六边形蜂窝结构参数不变的情况下,改变基材属性,基体材料模型分别选择不同应变强化参数的双线性各向同性强化模型和理想弹塑性模型,建立相关可靠的有限元模型并进行大量的模拟计算。获得相应的变形模式和应力-应变曲线,对曲线进一步处理得到蜂窝共面静动态峰应力,并将结果以图表形式展示并分析。结果 随着冲击速度的增加,样品依次出现了“X”,“V”,“一” 字型3种变形模式,基体材料的应变强化效应使变形趋于均匀化;基体材料的应变强化效应显著增加了蜂窝的静态峰应力,对动态峰应力增量的影响可以忽略,对计算数据处理后得到了应变强化参数与动态峰应力的计算公式。结论 基材具有强化特性的蜂窝,其共面静态力学性能优于基材为弹性理想塑性材料模型的蜂窝;在利用数值模拟的方法来研究蜂窝结构共面静态力学行为时,需要考虑基体材料的强化效应。
      The work aims to study the influence of cell wall material properties on the in-plane compressive mechanical property of aluminum honeycomb. With the structural parameter of regular hexagonal honeycomb unchanged, the cell wall material property was changed, the cell wall material models respectively selected the bilinear isotropic hardening model and ideal elastic-plastic model with different strain hardening parameters, the relevant reliable finite element model was established and a lot of simulation computation was done. The corresponding deformation mode and stress-strain curves were obtained to further process the curves, so as to obtain the honeycomb in-plane static and dynamic peak stresses. Moreover, the results were displayed and analyzed in a graphical form. These results showed that three kinds of deformation modes, such as the "X"-shaped, "V"-shaped and "I"-shaped samples were observed with the increasing impact velocities. The strain hardening effect of cell wall material made the deformation tend to be homogeneous and significantly increased the static peak stress of honeycomb, but the impact of dynamic peak stress increment could be ignored. The calculation formula of strain hardening parameter and dynamic peak stress was derived after the calculating data were processed. The honeycomb with hardening properties of cell wall material has better in-plane static mechanical properties than that with the perfectly elastoplastic material model of cell wall material. For the use of numerical simulation method to study the in-plane static mechanical behavior of honeycomb structure, the hardening effect of cell wall material needs to be considered.
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