LI Ming-hui,YANG Xing-kui.Temperature Control Strategy for Injection Modeling Machine Barrel Based on Internal Model Decoupling[J].Packaging Engineering,2018,39(5):141-145.
Temperature Control Strategy for Injection Modeling Machine Barrel Based on Internal Model Decoupling
投稿时间:2017-09-28  修订日期:2018-03-10
中文关键词: 注塑机  料筒温度  前馈解耦控制  内模解耦控制
英文关键词: injection modeling machine  barrel temperature  feed forward decoupling control  internal model decoupling control
李明辉 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
杨星奎 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
      目的 为了对注塑机料筒各段温度进行精确控制,提高注射制品质量,采用内模解耦控制策略对其进行温度解耦控制。方法 针对料筒各段温度之间的耦合,基于内模控制思想,采用逆矩阵变换对料筒温度进行解耦,设计出内模解耦控制器,并与传统前馈解耦控制进行对比分析。结果 内模解耦控制策略较传统前馈解耦控制能更好地对料筒温度进行解耦控制,有效提高了系统的动态性、抗干扰性和鲁棒性。结论 该控制方案设计简单、可调参数少,实用性强。
      The work aims to precisely control the temperature of each section of injection molding machine barrel accurately, improve the quality of injection products, and control the temperature decoupling with the internal model decoupling control strategy. With respect to the coupling between the temperatures of each section of the barrel, based on the internal model control thought, the decoupling of the barrel temperature was done with the inverse matrix transform, and the internal model decoupling controller was designed and compared with the traditional feed forward decoupling control through the analysis. Compared with the traditional feed forward decoupling control, the internal model decoupling control strategy could control the decoupling of the barrel temperature in a better way, which could effectively improve the dynamics, anti-interference ability and robustness of the system. The design of the control scheme is simple, the adjustable parameters are few and the practicability is strong.
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