SUN Wu-liang,LIU Xiao-juan,DONG Xin-chen,LU Ze-yu,ZHOU Zhi-min,WANG Peng-yang,SUN Wen-xiu.Preparation of pH-responsive Intelligent Antibacterial Packaging Film and Its Application in Chilled Fresh Mutton[J].Packaging Engineering,2020,41(5):66-73.
Preparation of pH-responsive Intelligent Antibacterial Packaging Film and Its Application in Chilled Fresh Mutton
投稿时间:2019-08-04  修订日期:2020-03-10
中文关键词: 冷鲜羊肉  静电纺丝  抑菌  pH响应  释放
英文关键词: chilled fresh mutton  electrospinning  bacteriostasis  pH response  release
孙武亮 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
刘晓娟 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
董信琛 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
逯泽宇 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
周志敏 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
王朋洋 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
孙文秀 内蒙古农业大学呼和浩特 010018 
      目的 为了延长冷鲜羊肉的货架期,实现抑菌剂的可控释放,制备一种对冷鲜羊肉生物胺敏感的纳米纤维包装垫。方法 以茶多酚为抑菌剂,pH敏感材料聚丙烯酸树脂Eudragit L100-55为基材,采用静电纺丝技术制备抑菌纤维垫。通过扫描电镜和傅里叶红外光谱对抑菌纤维垫进行表征,通过模拟扩散实验验证其pH响应释放行为。随后,将该抑菌纤维垫应用于冷鲜羊肉托盘包装,通过测定菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮、硫代巴比妥酸、pH值、色泽和汁液流失率来评价抑菌纤维垫的保鲜效果。结果 抑菌纤维垫质地柔软,纤维平滑、均匀、连续,且纤维丝平均直径约为900 nm。茶多酚被成功包埋于纤维丝中,且具有pH响应可控释放性。通过考察冷鲜羊肉品质发现,该抑菌垫具有较好的保鲜效果,可将托盘包装冷鲜羊肉货架期由6 d延长至9 d。结论 该智能抑菌包装垫通过其良好的pH响应性可实现抑菌剂的可控释放,具有延长冷鲜羊肉货架期的效果,且保鲜效果良好,有望成为新型包装材料推广于市场。
      The paper aims to prepare a pH sensitive nanofiber packaging film to extend the shelf life of chilled mutton and achieve controlled release of bacteriostatic agent. The antibacterial fiber mat was prepared by electrospinning with tea polyphenol as bacteriostatic agent and pH sensitive material polyacrylic resin Eudragit L100-55 as substrate. The bacteriostatic fiber mats were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The pH response release behavior was verified by simulated diffusion experiments. Subsequently, the bacteriostatic fiber mat was applied to the chilled mutton tray package, and the preservation effect of bacteriostatic fiber mat was evaluated by measuring the total number of colonies, volatile base nitrogen, thiobarbituric acid, pH value, color and drip loss rate. The antibacterial fiber mat was soft. The fibers were smooth, uniform and continuous. And the average diameter of the filaments was about 900 nm. Tea polyphenols were successfully embedded in filaments and had a pH responsive release. By examining the quality of chilled mutton, the bacteriostatic pad had good preservation effect. The shelf life of chilled mutton can be extended from 6 days to 9 days. The intelligent antibacterial fiber mat can achieve the controlled release of bacteriostatic agent through its good pH responsiveness. It has the effect of prolonging the shelf life of chilled fresh mutton, and has good preservation effect. It is expected to become a new packaging material to be promoted in the market.
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