MENG Yu-kun,WEI Jia,WU Bin,SUN Xue-sen,MA Hui-shi,WANG Wei-hua.Effects of BioSuee Films on the Post-harvest Quality of "Saimaiti" Apricots during Storage and Transportation[J].Packaging Engineering,2020,41(13):8-16.
Effects of BioSuee Films on the Post-harvest Quality of "Saimaiti" Apricots during Storage and Transportation
投稿时间:2020-01-18  修订日期:2020-07-10
中文关键词: BioSuee膜  鲜杏  采后  贮运品质
英文关键词: BioSuee film  apricot  postharvest  storage and transportation quality
孟玉昆 1.塔里木大学 生命科学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
魏佳 2.新疆农业科学院农产品贮藏加工所乌鲁木齐 830001 
吴斌 2.新疆农业科学院农产品贮藏加工所乌鲁木齐 830001 
孙学森 3.常州百利基生物材料科技有限公司江苏 常州 213200 
马会师 3.常州百利基生物材料科技有限公司江苏 常州 213200 
王伟华 1.塔里木大学 生命科学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
      目的 针对鲜杏果实在电商物流过程中容易出现变软、皱皮、酒化等品质下降现象,探究BioSuee膜对新疆“赛买提”杏采后贮运品质的影响。方法 以新疆“赛买提”杏为实验材料,采用3种不同配方的BioSuee膜和普通PE保鲜膜进行包装处理,模拟电商物流过程,在室温((20±1) ℃)条件下进行贮藏。每隔2 d取1次样,测定鲜杏果实的色差、腐烂率、硬度、质量损失率、可溶性固形物含量(Soluble Solid Content, SSC)、相对电导率、可滴定酸(Titratable Acidity, TA)含量、维生素C(Vitamin C, Vc)含量、呼吸强度和乙烯释放量等指标的变化,分析BioSuee膜对鲜杏果实贮藏品质的影响。结果 随着贮藏时间的延长,采用BioS-3膜包装的鲜杏果实贮藏效果较好,贮藏10 d时,色差a*值、腐烂率、硬度、质量损失率、SSC、相对电导率、TA、Vc、呼吸强度、乙烯释放量分别为2.23±0.38,10.44±2.05,(12.77±0.79)kg/cm2,(0.46±0.03)%,(11.60±0.56)%,(47.15±2.83)%,(1.81±0.18)%,(0.80±0.04)mg/kg,(19.56±0.54)mg/(kg•h),(12.65±3.10)μL/(kg•h)。结论 采用BioS-3膜包装鲜杏果实贮藏效果最显著,可以有效地提高鲜杏果实采后贮藏品质,延长鲜杏果实的贮藏保鲜时间。
      The work aims to investigate the effect of BioSuee films on the quality of Xinjiang "Saimaiti" apricot during storage and transportation due to the phenomena of softening, wrinkling, and alcoholic fermentation of fresh apricot fruits during e-commerce logistics. Three BioSuee films of different formulas and ordinary PE films were used to package Xinjiang "Samaiti" apricots to simulate the e-commerce logistics process and store them at (20±1)℃. Samples were taken every 2 days to determine the changes in color, decay rate, firmness, mass loss rate, soluble solid content (SSC), relative conductivity, titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C (Vc), respiration intensity and ethylene release of fresh apricot. The influences of BioSuee films on the quality of fresh apricot during storage were analyzed. With the extension of storage time, the fresh apricot packaged with BioS-3 film had better storage quality. On the 10th day of storage, the value of color a*, decay rate, firmness, mass loss rate, SSC, relative conductivity, TA, Vc, respiration intensity and ethylene release were 2.23±0.38, 10.44±2.05, (12.77±0.79)kg/cm2, (0.46±0.03)%, (11.60±0.56)%, (47.15±2.83)%, (1.81±0.18)%, (0.80± 0.04)mg/kg, (19.56±0.54)mg/(kg•h) and (12.65±3.10)μL/(kg•h), respectively. Fresh apricots packaged with BioS-3 films have the most significant effect during storage, which can effectively improve the postharvest storage quality and prolong the storage time of fresh apricot fruits.
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