ZHANG Chang-yong,ZHANG Qian-qian.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Cargo Palletizing Effect Based on AHP-Entropy Weight Method[J].Packaging Engineering,2020,41(23):135-140.
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Cargo Palletizing Effect Based on AHP-Entropy Weight Method
中文关键词: AHP法  熵权法  主客观权重综合法  模糊数学  码垛
英文关键词: AHP method  entropy weight method  subjective and objective weighting  fuzzy mathematics  palletizing
张长勇 中国民航大学 电子信息与自动化学院天津 300300 
张倩倩 中国民航大学 电子信息与自动化学院天津 300300 
      目的 针对飞机货舱码垛效果影响因素较多,现有评价方式过于单一等问题,从行业应用的角度,提出一种货舱码垛效果综合评价方法。方法 选取货舱填充率、码放效率及重心偏移量等为评价指标,综合利用主客观权重赋值法的优点,将AHP法与熵权法相结合,计算得到各指标综合权重值,建立货舱码垛效果分级的模糊综合评价模型。结果 通过对6组货物码放垛型进行实例计算和对比分析得出,第5组码放垛型综合效果最佳,与原始信息一致,表明该模型对飞机货舱码垛评价效果合理可靠。结论 提出的评价模型有效解决了多因素情况下的码垛效果评价问题,为飞机货舱码垛提供了理论依据。
      The work aims to propose a comprehensive evaluation method of cargo palletizing effect from the perspective of industrial application for the problems that there are many influencing factors of aircraft cargo palletizing effect, and the existing evaluation method is too single. Firstly, the cargo tank filling rate, stacking efficiency and center-of-gravity offset were selected as the evaluation indicators. Then, the advantages of the subjective and objective weight assignment method were utilized, and the AHP method and the entropy weight method were combined to obtain the comprehensive weight value of each indicator. Finally, the hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of palletizing effect was established. The example calculation and comparative analysis of 6 cargo palletizing types proved that the 5th palletizing type had the best comprehensive effect, which was consistent with the original information, indicating that the model rationally and reliably evaluated the palletizing effect of aircraft cargo. The proposed model effectively solves the problem of palletizing effect evaluation under multiple factors and provides theoretical basis for palletizing of aircraft cargo.
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