ZHANG Qin-jun,MA Jun-jie,GUO Pan,HU Chang-ying.Migration of n-Butyl Acrylate in Water-Based Adhesive under Different Conditions[J].Packaging Engineering,2021,42(11):53-59.
Migration of n-Butyl Acrylate in Water-Based Adhesive under Different Conditions
中文关键词: 丙烯酸正丁酯  胶黏剂  迁移量  铝塑复合膜  顶空固相微萃取
英文关键词: n-Butyl acrylate  adhesive  migration  aluminum-plastic laminate film  headspace solid phase microextraction
张勤军 暨南大学 包装工程学院 广东省普通高校产品包装与物流重点实验室广东 珠海 519070 
马俊杰 暨南大学 包装工程学院 广东省普通高校产品包装与物流重点实验室广东 珠海 519070 
郭盼 暨南大学 包装工程学院 广东省普通高校产品包装与物流重点实验室广东 珠海 519070 
胡长鹰 暨南大学 包装工程学院 广东省普通高校产品包装与物流重点实验室广东 珠海 519070
暨南大学 理工学院广州 510632 
      目的 聚丙烯酸酯类胶黏剂用于食品复合包装时,残留的丙烯酸酯单体的安全性受到关注,以丙烯酸正丁酯(nBA)为研究对象,探索顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)在不同食品模拟物中对nBA的富集效果,在优化检测的基础上,研究不同工况对铝塑复合膜中nBA向不同食品模拟物迁移的影响。 方法 比较分析不同萃取头、萃取时间、萃取温度及加盐量对nBA萃取效果的影响。将铝箔和聚丙烯膜(CPP)利用水性丙烯酸酯胶黏剂制备成铝塑复合膜,研究铝塑复合膜在短期热接触(70 ℃,2 h)、长期储存(60 ℃,10 d)、紫外处理1 h后再迁移、不同温度的巴氏杀菌和蒸煮条件下(60,80,100,121,130 ℃),nBA向体积分数为4%的乙酸、体积分数为10%的乙醇及橄榄油模拟物中的迁移规律。结果 在所有工况中,nBA在不同模拟物中迁移量均呈现出乙酸(体积分数为4%)>乙醇(体积分数为10%)>橄榄油的规律,紫外处理对nBA的迁移量无明显影响(P>0.05)。不同温度的影响规律都不一致,在80,100 ℃的温度下,迁移量随蒸煮时间的延长而增加,平衡时的最大迁移量分别为32.7,54.7 μg/kg,在121,130 ℃条件下,迁移量随蒸煮时间的延长而减少,最大迁移量分别为122.3,115.2 μg/kg。结论 nBA在体积分数为4%的乙酸模拟物中更容易发生迁移,在文中研究的工况迁移试验中,蒸煮对nBA迁移量影响最大,研究结果为胶黏剂中有害物质在食品复杂供应链下的安全性评估提供了数据支撑。
      When polyacrylic ester resin agent is used in food packing, the safety of the residual acrylic acid ester monomer is concerned, this paper took n-butyl acrylate (nBA) as the research object, explored the headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) in different food simulation for the nBA enrichment effect, and on the basis of the optimization test, different condition of aluminum-plastic composite film was studied in the nBA to different food to simulate the effects of migration. The effects of different extraction heads, extraction time, extraction temperature and salt concentration on the extraction efficiency of nBA were compared and analyzed. Aluminum-plastic composite film was prepared from aluminum foil and polypropylene film (CPP) by water-based acrylate adhesive, and the migration law of nBA to acetic acid with a volume fraction of 4%, ethanol with a volume fraction of 10%, and olive oil simulants was studied in the short term thermal contact (70 ℃, 2 h), long-term storage (60 ℃, 10 d), UV treatment for 1 h before migration and under the condition of different temperature pasteurization and boiling (60, 80, 100, 121, 130 ℃). In all conditions, nBA migration in different simulants showed the law of 4% acetic acid >10% ethanol > olive oil. UV treatment had no significant influence on nBA migration (P > 0.05). At 80 ℃ and 100 ℃, the migration increased with the extension of boiling time, and the maximum migration at equilibrium was 32.7, 54.7 μg/kg respectively. At 121 ℃ and 130 ℃, the migration decreased with the extension of boiling time, and the maximum migration was 122.3, 115.2 μg/kg respectively. nBA was more likely to migrate in 4% acetic acid simulation. In different condition migration test studied in this paper, boiling had the greatest effects on nBA migration. The results of this study provide data support for the safety assessment of harmful substances in adhesive in the complex food supply chain.
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