聂黔丽,王修俊,周雯,陈颜红,冯廷萃.低钠复合盐腌制对苗岭腊肉品质的影响[J].包装工程,2021,42(19):114-121. NIE Qian-li,WANG Xiu-jun,ZHOU Wen,CHEN Yan-hong,FENG Ting-cui.Effect of Low-Sodium Compound Salt Curing on the Quality of Miaoling Bacon[J].Packaging Engineering,2021,42(19):114-121. |
低钠复合盐腌制对苗岭腊肉品质的影响 |
Effect of Low-Sodium Compound Salt Curing on the Quality of Miaoling Bacon |
投稿时间:2021-01-06 |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2021.19.015 |
中文关键词: 低钠盐 腊肉 复合盐 品质 |
英文关键词: low-sodium salt bacon compound salt quality |
基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展专项基金(黔科中引地[2018]4020);贵州省生态特色肉制品科技创新人才团队(黔科合平台人才[2020]5004);贵州省科技计划(黔科合成果[2020]1Y025);贵州省发酵工程与白酒酿造人才基地项目(黔人领发[2018]3号) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 基于贵州苗岭山区传统腊肉工艺,研究低钠复合盐腌制对腊肉品质的影响。方法 以单因素试验为基础筛选出各因素最优参数,通过响应面分析各个因素对综合评分的效应关系,优化低钠复合盐腌制参数。结果 确定了最佳工艺,低钠复合盐质量分数为3.8%,腌制时间为63 h,腌制温度为8 ℃;在此工艺腌制条件下腊肉产品综合评分为0.8156。结论 低钠复合盐腌制的腊肉色泽红润有光泽,肉质紧实,与全钠盐腊肉品质无差异,且氯化钠质量分数减少了37.7%,可为贵州苗岭山区低钠盐腊肉工艺提供理论基础。 |
英文摘要: |
The purpose of this article is to study the effect of low-sodium compound salt curing on the quality of bacon based on the traditional bacon technology in the Miaoling Mountains of Guizhou. Based on the single factor experiment, the optimal parameters of each factor were screened out, and the effect of each factor on the comprehensive score was analyzed through the response surface to optimize the low-sodium compound salt curing parameters. The optimum process was determined:the mass fraction of low sodium compound salt was 3.8%(based on 100% of raw meat mass), the curing time was 63 h and the curing temperature was 8 ℃; under this curing conditions, the comprehensive score of bacon products is 0.8156. The low-sodium compound salt-cured bacon is ruddy and shiny, and the meat is firm. The quality is no different from that of full-sodium salt bacon, and the mass fraction of sodium chloride is reduced by 37.7%, which can provide a theoretical basis for the low-sodium bacon technology in the Miaoling Mountains of Guizhou. |
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