CAI Hong,ZHAO Yu-ying,CHEN Liu-jin,ZHUANG Chen-long,ZHOU Fang,NI Wei-hong.Standardization of Packaging Techniques for Small Non-Fragile Parcels Based on ISTA Test[J].Packaging Engineering,2021,42(19):185-191.
Standardization of Packaging Techniques for Small Non-Fragile Parcels Based on ISTA Test
中文关键词: 包装标准化  包装间隙率  振动测试  跌落测试  过度包装
英文关键词: packaging standardization  packaging gap rate  vibration test  drop test  overpacking
蔡虹 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
赵玉滢 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
陈柳瑾 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
庄陈龙 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
周昉 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
倪卫红 南京工业大学 经济与管理学院南京 211800 
      目的 对小型非易碎品在分拨中心的二次包装方法进行标准化研究,以应对物流中的过度包装问题。方法 在问卷调查与实地调研的基础上,统计分析包装材料使用数量和包装方法;并应用鱼骨图进行影响因素分析,提出小型非易碎品二次包装标准化方法;最后参照ISTA测试,进行振动测试、跌落测试,从而确定包装间隙率的阈值、充气袋放置数量、气泡膜全方位包裹圈数。结果 采用文中提出的标准化包装方法,能够在确保商品运输安全性的同时,节省充气袋使用量62.3%,气泡膜用量80.8%。结论 能有效解决小型非易碎品物流配送过程中的过度包装问题。
      work aims to study the standardization of secondary packaging techniques for small non-fragile parcels at the distribution center, so as to solve the overpacking problem in logistics. The quantity of packaging materials and the packaging techniques were analyzed through statistics based on questionnaires and on-site investigation. The influence parameters were analyzed by fishbone chart to put forward the standardized techniques of secondary package for small non-fragile parcels. Based on ISTA test, the threshold values of packaging gap rate, the number of inflatable bags placed and the winding numbers of air bubble film required were determined by vibration test and drop test. With the proposed standardized packaging techniques, 62.3% of inflatable bags and 80.8% of bubble films could be saved when the transportation safety of commodity was ensured. The overpacking problem of non-fragile parcels in logistics and distribution can be effectively solved.
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