JI De-rong,WANG Yi-rong,DUAN Li-li,SHI Jing-jing,ZHANG Fei.Effects of Packaging Materials on the Quality of Special Flavored Shredded Chicken[J].Packaging Engineering,2021,42(23):116-122.
Effects of Packaging Materials on the Quality of Special Flavored Shredded Chicken
中文关键词: 包装材料  怪味鸡丝  鸡丝品质  铝箔包装袋
英文关键词: packaging materials  special flavored shredded chicken  quality of shredded chicken  aluminum foil packaging bag
戢得蓉 四川旅游学院 食品学院成都 610100 
王艺融 四川旅游学院 食品学院成都 610100 
段丽丽 四川旅游学院 食品学院成都 610100 
石晶晶 四川旅游学院 食品学院成都 610100 
张飞 四川旅游学院 食品学院成都 610100 
      目的 探讨常见包装材料对传统川菜怪味鸡丝品质的影响,为研发传统川菜怪味鸡丝包装产品进行包装材料的筛选。方法 选取PA+PE、PA+CPP、PA+PE+CPP复合包装袋,以及铝箔蒸煮袋、透明玻璃罐等5种材料对怪味鸡丝进行包装,在低温(0~4 ℃)条件下贮藏1~7 d,比较5种包装材料对怪味鸡丝品质的影响。结果 随着贮藏时间的增加,由质构、色差综合来看,PA+PE+CPP材质包装的鸡丝色泽与组织状态最佳;所测样品的菌落总数均呈逐渐上升趋势,得到抑菌效果优劣顺序,铝箔蒸煮袋>PA+PE+CPP复合包装袋>PA+CPP复合包装袋>PE+PA复合袋>透明玻璃罐>不包装;挥发性盐基氮以及过氧化值都呈上升趋势,包装后产品相较于不包装对照组增长的速度明显放缓,铝箔蒸煮袋与PA+PE+CPP复合包装袋包装的怪味鸡丝的保鲜效果相对较好。结论 铝箔包装袋可以更好地抑制微生物的生长繁殖和怪味鸡丝产品的氧化,可以用作怪味鸡丝产品的外包装材料。
      The work aims to discuss the effects of common packaging materials on the quality of special flavored shredded chicken, a traditional Sichuan cuisine, to screen packaging materials for research and development of packaging products for special flavored shredded chicken. Composite bags of PA + PE, PA + CPP and PA + PE + CPP, aluminum foil cooking bags, transparent glass cans were selected for packaging. They were stored at 0-4 ℃ for 7 days to compare their effects on the quality of special flavored shredded chicken. The results showed that with the increase of time, the shredded chicken packed with PA + PE + CPP had the best color and texture. The total number of colonies showed a gradual upward trend, and the order of antibacterial effect was as follows:aluminum foil cooking bag > PA + PE + CPP composite packaging bag > PA + CPP composite packaging bag > PE + PA composite bag > transparent glass can > no packaging. Both basic nitrogen and peroxide value increased significantly. And the growth rate of the packed group was slow compared with the unpacked control group. The preservation effect of aluminum foil cooking bag and PA + PE + CPP composite bag was relatively good. In conclusion, aluminum foil packaging bag can better inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganism and the oxidation of chicken, can be used as packaging material for special flavored shredded chicken products.
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