孙颖,杨小俊,徐哲,李博.弹簧安装方式对质量非均衡产品缓冲系统的影响[J].包装工程,2022,43(1):58-65. SUN Ying,YANG Xiao-jun,XU Zhe,LI Bo.Effects of Spring Installation Mode on Cushioning System of Products with Unbalanced Mass[J].Packaging Engineering,2022,43(1):58-65. |
弹簧安装方式对质量非均衡产品缓冲系统的影响 |
Effects of Spring Installation Mode on Cushioning System of Products with Unbalanced Mass |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2022.01.008 |
中文关键词: 质量非均衡 侧向弹簧 振动响应 |
英文关键词: unbalanced mass lateral spring vibration response |
基金项目:湖北省技术创新专项(2018AAA026);湖北工业大学博士启动基金(BSQD2017001) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 为研究质量非均衡产品在不同弹簧隔振器安装方式下缓冲包装系统的振动响应特性。方法 建立质量非均衡产品缓冲包装系统的数学模型,采用四阶龙格库塔法对振动响应进行对比分析,通过有限元仿真模拟侧向弹簧不同数目和安装位置点的质量非均衡产品的振动响应特性,并分析其修正的可行性,再进行验证。结果 侧向弹簧数目为1时安装在侧棱中点,侧向弹簧数目为2时安装在侧棱上对非均衡产品缓冲系统的振动响应修正效果较佳。结论 质心偏移对质量非均衡产品缓冲系统的加速度影响较大;偏心距离较大时,可适当改变较大偏心位移方向的弹簧刚度,对其进行修正优化,为质量非均衡产品的缓冲包装设计提供了方法和依据。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to study the vibration response characteristics of cushioning packaging system of products with unbalanced mass under different installation modes of spring isolators. The mathematical model of the cushioning packaging system of products with unbalanced mass was established, and the vibration response was compared and analyzed by the fourth-order Runge Kutta method. Through finite element simulation, the vibration response characteristics of unbalanced-mass products with different number and installation positions of lateral springs were simulated, and the feasibility of correction was analyzed. Then, the experimental method was used for verification. When 1 lateral spring was installed at the center of lateral edge and 2 lateral springs were installed at the lateral edge, the correction effect of vibration response of unbalanced-mass product cushioning system was the best. The mass center offset has a great effect on the acceleration of the cushioning system of products with unbalanced mass. When the eccentric distance is large, the spring stiffness in the direction of large eccentric displacement can be appropriately changed for correction and optimization, so as to provide a method and basis for the cushioning packaging design of products with unbalanced mass. |
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