YAO Le,WANG Shi-yi,ZHOU Fei,ZHENG Wei-xian,GAO Bao-shan,LI Zhong-bo,ZHENG Jia-hui.Preparation of Chitosan/Anthocyanin Composite Film for Monitoring of Fish Freshness[J].Packaging Engineering,2022,43(9):83-91.
Preparation of Chitosan/Anthocyanin Composite Film for Monitoring of Fish Freshness
中文关键词: 食品新鲜度  指示包装  花青素  壳聚糖
英文关键词: food freshness  indicating packaging  anthocyanins  chitosan
姚乐 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
王诗意 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
周斐 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
郑为贤 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
高宝善 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
李中波 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
郑家辉 安徽农业大学 轻纺工程与艺术学院合肥 230036 
      目的 研发一种指示效果快速准确且无毒无害的指示薄膜,这种可视化食品新鲜度指示包装可以让消费者更加便利地观察食品的新鲜度情况。方法 以具有生物降解性能的壳聚糖为成膜基材,以甘油为增塑剂,通过添加不同质量分数的花青素天然色素粉末作为指示剂,基于流延法制备具有酸碱指示作用的复合薄膜。通过改变薄膜中花青素的质量分数来调控指示薄膜在不同pH溶液及酸碱气氛中的显色性能。结果 当花青素粉末的质量分数为0.3%时,薄膜在pH=1.68~12.45溶液中颜色的变化最为明显,颜色由粉红色变为棕黄色;在盐酸气氛中则呈现蓝紫色,在氨水气氛中呈现棕黄色。将制备的指示薄膜置于装有新鲜鱼肉的玻璃瓶中,根据鱼肉的腐烂变质情况,薄膜能很快地发生变色反应。结论 鱼肉释放的某种碱性物质会促使花青素分子结构发生变化,根据鱼肉的腐烂变质情况,薄膜能很快地发生变色反应,可以实现鱼肉新鲜度的实时可视化监测。
      This paper aims to develop a fast, accurate, non-toxic and harmless indicating film as a kind of visual food freshness indicating packaging that can make it easier for consumers to observe the freshness of food. In this paper, the biodegradable chitosan/anthocyanin composite film was prepared based on the casting method, in which the anthocyanin acting as the film substrate, glycerin acting as the plasticizer, and the anthocyanin acting as the indicator. The color performance of the film in different pH solutions and acid/base atmospheres could be regulated by changing the mass fraction of anthocyanins. The experimental results showed that when the mass fraction of anthocyanin was 0.3%, the color of the film changed as the most obvious one from pink to yellowish-brown in the pH solution of 1.68-12.45. Besides, in the atmosphere of hydrochloric acid, it appeared blue-purple, and in the atmosphere of ammonia, it appeared brownish yellow. The prepared indicator film was placed in a glass bottle containing fresh fish, and the film could change the color quickly according to the deterioration of the fresh meat. From the experiment, it can be included that with the extension of time, some alkaline substance released by the fish will change the molecular structure of anthocyanin, and the film can quickly change color in response to the rotting condition of fish, so as to achieve the real-time visual monitoring of the fish freshness.
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