GUAN Yan-yan,QU Zhen-cai,CHEN Hai-sheng,YE Yi-cheng.Development of Amidated Boron Nitride-Graphene Oxide Thermal Conductive and Insulating Ink[J].Packaging Engineering,2023,44(9):183-189.
Development of Amidated Boron Nitride-Graphene Oxide Thermal Conductive and Insulating Ink
中文关键词: 氮化硼  氧化石墨烯  导热系数  绝缘  油墨
英文关键词: boron nitride  graphene oxide  thermal conductivity  insulation  ink
官燕燕 中山火炬职业技术学院广东 中山 528436 
屈贞财 江门市鹤山精细化工产业园广东 江门 529700 
陈海生 中山火炬职业技术学院广东 中山 528436 
叶义成 中荣印刷集团股份有限公司广东 中山528436 
      目的 研制兼具导热和绝缘特性的油墨,以拓展油墨在电子器件领域的应用。方法 以氮化硼(BN)晶体和尿素为原料,采用球磨法合成了氨基化氮化硼(BN−NH2)纳米片,并在羧基活化剂的参与下,利用氧化石墨烯(GO)上的羧基与BN−NH2上的氨基共价反应,制备酰胺化氮化硼−氧化石墨烯纳米复合填料(BN−GO),辅以高分子树脂、单体、颜料及各类助剂,研制导热绝缘油墨。利用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、激光拉曼光谱仪、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪和X射线光电子能谱仪等手段对BN−NH2纳米片的形貌结构、晶型晶面和BN−GO的价键结构进行表征,最后对油墨的印刷适性、导热性能和绝缘性能进行测试。结果 实验成功制备了氨基化氮化硼(BN−NH2)纳米片和酰胺化氮化硼−氧化石墨烯纳米复合填料(BN−GO),当BN−GO的质量分数为3.0%时,所制备的导热绝缘油墨的印刷适性良好,印刷打样后的导热系数可提升至1.45 W/(m∙K),体积电阻率高达9.86×1011 Ω.cm,相较于空白油墨试样,分别提升了4.8倍和3.7倍。结论 所研制导热绝缘油墨可在保持良好印刷适性的同时赋予油墨优良的导热性能。
      The work aims to develop ink with both thermal conduction and insulation characteristics to expand the application of ink in electronic devices.Aminated boron nitride (BN-NH2) was synthesized from boron nitride (BN) crystals and urea through ball-milling. With the participation of carboxyl group activator, amidated boron nitride-graphene oxide nanocomposite fillers were prepared through the covalent reaction between the carboxyl group on graphene oxide (GO) and the amino group on BN-NH2. The thermal conductive and insulating ink was developed with the supplement of polymer resins, monomers, pigments and various additives. The morphology, crystal face of BN-NH2 nanosheets and valence bond structure of BN-GO were characterized by means of scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer, laser raman spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. Finally, the printability, thermal conductivity and insulating properties of the ink were tested. The results showed that aminated boron nitride (BN-NH2) and amidated boron nitride-graphene oxide nanocomposite fillers (BN-GO) were successfully synthesized. When the addition amount of BN-GO was 3.0wt.%, the thermal conductive and insulating ink had good printability. After printing and proofing, the thermal conductivity could be increased to 1.45 W/(m∙K), and the volume resistivity could be as high as 9.86×1011Ω.cm, which was 4.8 times and 3.7 times higher than the blank ink samples, respectively. The thermal conductive and insulating ink developed can give the ink excellent thermal conductivity while maintaining good printability.
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