ZHENG Yu,CHEN Yu,GUO Cixin,GAO Jingtao,XIE Jing,LI Li,SHEN Huming,CHEN Chenwei.Effect of Negative Ion Treatment on Storage Quality of Spinacia OleraceaL.[J].Packaging Engineering,2024,45(11):96-104.
Effect of Negative Ion Treatment on Storage Quality of Spinacia OleraceaL.
中文关键词: 负离子(NI)  菠菜  保鲜  贮藏品质
英文关键词: negative ion (NI)  Spinacia oleracea L.  preservation  storage quality
郑瑜 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306 
陈煜 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306 
郭赐欣 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306 
高敬涛 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306 
谢晶 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306
上海冷链装备性能与节能评价专业技术服务平台上海 201306
食品科学与工程国家级实验教学示范中心上海海洋大学上海 201306 
李立 上海清美绿色食品集团有限公司上海 201399
上海市清美现代农业产业研究院上海 201399 
沈沪铭 上海清美绿色食品集团有限公司上海 201399
上海市清美现代农业产业研究院上海 201399 
陈晨伟 上海海洋大学 食品学院上海 201306
上海冷链装备性能与节能评价专业技术服务平台上海 201306
食品科学与工程国家级实验教学示范中心上海海洋大学上海 201306 
      目的 研究负离子处理时长对菠菜(Spinacia oleracea L.)贮藏品质的影响。方法 本实验利用负离子发生器使之在密闭空间中产生负离子,用于菠菜贮藏前的预处理,通过测定贮藏期间菠菜的菌落总数、呼吸速率、质量损失率、色差(ΔE)、丙二醛、总酚含量等品质指标,研究了4种处理时长(0、30、60和90 min)对菠菜贮藏品质的影响。结果 负离子处理能抑制菠菜表面微生物的生长,降低微生物对机体造成的侵害,延缓其氧化衰老,同时降低了菠菜呼吸速率,减少营养物质的消耗和叶绿素的分解,并维持较低的质量损失,随着负离子处理时长的增加,对菠菜贮藏过程中的品质保护效果越明显,负离子预处理90 min对菠菜的贮藏品质维护效果最好。可直观体现在菠菜的外观的变化以及色泽的维持。结论 负离子合适的处理时长可以有效延长菠菜的货架期,为负离子预处理应用于果蔬保鲜提供了重要依据。
      The work aims to study the effect of negative ion treatment time on the storage quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). In this experiment, a negative ion generator was used to produce negative ions in a confined space for the pretreatment of spinach before storage. The effects of four treatment times (0 min, 30 min, 60 min and 90 min) on the storage quality of spinach were investigate by measuring the total viable count, respiration rate, weight loss rate, color difference (ΔE), malondialdehyde and total phenol content of spinach during storage. Negative ion treatment could inhibit the growth of microorganisms on the surface of spinach, reduce the damage caused by microorganisms on the organism, delay its oxidative aging, reduce the respiration rate of spinach, reduce the consumption of nutrients and the decomposition of chlorophyll, and maintain a lower weight loss. With the increase of negative ion treatment time, the quality protection effect of spinach during storage was more obvious. Negative ion pretreatment for 90 minutes had the best effect on the storage quality maintenance of spinach. It could be visualized in the change of the appearance of spinach and the maintenance of color and luster. An appropriate treatment time of negative ions can effectively prolong the shelf life of spinach, which provides an important basis for the application of negative ion pretreatment in the preservation of fruits and vegetables.
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