MA Weiyuan,ZHONG Yijing,LI Wang,ZHAI Wenxiang,WEI Xinli,SU Lijiang.Moisture and Coldness Resistance Properties of Cork-based Materials for Food[J].Packaging Engineering,2024,45(23):47-53.
Moisture and Coldness Resistance Properties of Cork-based Materials for Food
中文关键词: 软木基材料  阻湿性能  保冷性能  食品包装材料
英文关键词: cork-based material  moisture barrier performance  coldness resistance property  food packaging materials
马炜袁 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
仲翌京 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
李旺 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
翟文翔 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
魏新莉 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
苏利江 中南林业科技大学长沙 410004 
      目的 通过分析国产软木和葡萄牙产软木2种软木的阻湿性能和保冷性能,探究软木基材料在食品用包装材料领域的应用。方法 以国产栓皮栎软木和葡萄牙产栓皮槠软木为研究对象,通过分析材料的平衡含水率、吸水率、体积湿涨率、静态水接触角和导热系数、热分布测试等参数,研究2种软木阻隔气态水、液态水及热量流动的机理。结果 当环境温度为20 ℃、相对湿度为60%时,栓皮栎软木和栓皮槠软木的平衡含水率分别为6.53%和8.39%;完全浸泡水中30 d后的吸水率分别为24.45%和94.33%,体积湿涨率分别为11.12%和16.88%;静态接触角分别为135°和127°;导热系数分别为0.038 W/(m.K)和0.043 W/(m.K)。结论 作为天然材料,国产栓皮栎软木较葡萄牙产栓皮槠软木具有更优异的阻湿性能和保冷性能,为新型绿色食品接触用包装材料的开发提供了新的可能,也为软木的高值化利用乃至栎类天然林的综合利用等研究提供了新的思路。
      The work aims to explore the application of cork-based materials in the field of food packaging materials by analyzing the moisture and coldness resistance properties of domestic cork and Portuguese cork. With domestic cork and Portuguese cork as the research objects, and the mechanisms of these two types of cork in blocking the flow of gaseous water, liquid water and heat flow were studied by analyzing parameters such as equilibrium moisture content, the rate of water absorption, growth rate of volume moisture, the contact angle of static water, thermal conductivity coefficient and heat distribution. The result showed that the equilibrium moisture contents of domestic cork and Portuguese cork were 6.53% and 8.39% respectively with a temperature of 20 ℃ and a relative humidity of 60%; The water absorption rates were 24.45% and 94.33% respectively after fully soaking in water for 30 days; Growth rates of volume moisture were 11.12% and 16.88% respectively; Static contact angles were 135° and 127° on the surface respectively; The thermal conductivity coefficients were 0.038 W/(m.K) and 0.043 W/(m.K), respectively. In conclusion, domestic cork has better moisture and coldness resistance than Portugal cork, which provides new possibilities for the development of new packaging materials for green food contact, and provides new ideas for the high-value utilization of cork and even the comprehensive utilization of natural forests of oak.
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