WANG Yuntao,CHEN Aiqiang,GU Yalong,HU Jingjing.Improved Measurement Method of Physical Properties of Cold Storage Materials Based on T-history Method[J].Packaging Engineering,2024,45(23):241-249.
Improved Measurement Method of Physical Properties of Cold Storage Materials Based on T-history Method
中文关键词: 物性参数测定  T-history法  相变蓄冷材料  切线法
英文关键词: determination of physical parameters  T-history method  cold storage material with phase change  tangent method
王云涛 天津商业大学 机械工程学院天津 300133 
陈爱强 天津商业大学 机械工程学院天津 300133 
顾亚龙 天津商业大学 机械工程学院天津 300133 
胡晶晶 天津商业大学 机械工程学院天津 300133 
      目的 提出一种改进后的蓄冷材料物性参数简易测试方法,服务于冰袋等性能测试。方法 考虑相变起始点和结束点温度不同带来的显热影响,对相变潜热和固态比热计算公式进行改进。采用曲线拐点的切线和曲线一阶导函数极小值点所对应温度点切线的交点作为相变结束点进行计算。以去离子水作为无机相变蓄冷材料代表、洛卡伯爵蓄冷剂作为复合相变蓄冷材料代表进行实验验证。结果 测定去离子水和洛卡伯爵蓄冷剂的液态比热、相变潜热和固态比热等参数与理论值相差在8.1%以内。相比原有测定方法,液态比热和固态比热测定精度不变,相变潜热值精确度提高了2%。结论 该改进方法用于相关蓄冷剂物性参数测定是准确和可行的。
      The work aims to propose an improved simple test method for physical parameters of cold storage materials, which can serve the performance test of ice bags. The calculation formula of latent heat and specific heat of solid state was improved by considering the effect of sensible heat caused by the different temperatures at the beginning and end of phase transition. The intersection of the tangent of the inflection point of the curve and the tangent of the temperature point corresponding to the minimum point of the first derivative function of the curve was used as the end point of the phase transition. Deionized water was used as the representative of inorganic phase change cold storage material, and count Rocca cold storage was used as the representative of composite phase change cold storage material for experimental verification. The measured parameters of liquid specific heat, phase change latent heat and solid specific heat of deionized water and count Rocca cryogen were within 8.1% of the theoretical value. Compared with the original measurement method, the measurement accuracy of liquid specific heat and solid specific heat was unchanged, and the accuracy of latent heat value of phase change increased by 2%. The improved method is accurate and feasible for the determination of the physical parameters of related cold storage.
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