TIAN Yingnan,ZHAO Qiujuan,CHEN Zonghuan,WANG Bingheng,XIE Siyang,HU Xiaoli.Radiation Safety Analysis of a New Fuel Container for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor[J].Packaging Engineering,2024,45(23):318-324.
Radiation Safety Analysis of a New Fuel Container for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
中文关键词: 高温气冷堆  新燃料运输容器  辐射安全
英文关键词: high temperature gas-cooled reactor  new fuel container  radiation safety
田英男 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
赵秋娟 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
陈宗欢 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
王炳衡 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
谢思洋 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
胡小利 中国核电工程有限公司北京 100840 
      目的 基于高温气冷堆新燃料特征,通过辐射安全分析使高温气冷堆新燃料运输容器设计满足GB 11806—2019《放射性物品安全运输规程》的相关规定要求。并根据分析结果和我国核电厂运输容器作业运行经验,进行运输容器作业的职业照射分析,确保人员辐射安全。方法 对新燃料的主要放射性核素进行梳理分析,使用核数据确定新燃料的光子和中子能谱,利用蒙特卡洛方法程序建立运输容器三维模型,并进行辐射屏蔽分析。利用辐射屏蔽分析的外部剂量率进行运输容器作业人员剂量评估。结果 装载UO2燃料的运输容器在例行运输工况下表面最大剂量率小于规定的0.5 mSv/h限值,运输指数为0.05,满足II级(黄)货包的要求。PuO2和MOX燃料元件的辐射水平比UO2燃料元件高了6个数量级,为使运输容器仍符合II级(黄)货包的要求,外部屏蔽需要采用20 cm铅和20 cm含硼环氧树脂。结论 由于UO2燃料辐射水平较低,因此装载UO2燃料的运输容器在例行运输工况和正常运输试验条件下均满足标准要求。由于钚产品中含有放射性次锕系元素和裂变产物导致PuO2和MOX燃料辐射水平远高于UO2燃料的,用于装载UO2燃料元件的运输容器不再适用,因此其运输容器外必须增设光子和中子屏蔽。
      The work aims to make the design of the transport container for the new fuel of HTGR meet the relevant requirements of GB 11806—2019 "Safe Transport Regulations for Radioactive Materials" through radiation safety analysis based on the characteristics of the new fuel of HTGR. According to the analysis results and the operation experience of the transport container in NPPs in China, the occupational exposure analysis of the transport container operation is carried out to ensure the radiation safety of personnel. The main radionuclides of the new fuel were analyzed, the photon and neutron energy spectra of the new fuel were determined by nuclear data, the three-dimensional model of the transport container was established by Monte Carlo method program, and the radiation shielding was analyzed. External dose rates from radiation shield analysis were used to assess the dose exposed to transport container operators. The maximum surface dose rate of the transport container loaded with UO2 fuel under routine transport conditions was less than the prescribed limit value of 0.5 mSv/h, and the transport index was 0.05, meeting the requirements of Class II (Yellow) cargo package. The radiation level of the PuO2 and MOX fuel elements was six orders of magnitude higher than that of the UO2 fuel elements, and in order to make the transport container comply with the requirements of the Class II (Yellow) cargo package, the external shielding was required to be 20 cm lead and 20 cm boron-containing epoxy resin. Due to the low radiation level of UO2 fuel, the transport containers loaded with UO2 fuel meet the standard requirements under routine transport conditions and normal transport test conditions. Due to the radioactive subactinides and fission products in plutonium products, the radiation level of PuO2 and MOX fuel is much higher than that of UO2 fuel, and the transport containers used to carry UO2 fuel elements are no longer suitable, and photon and neutron shielding must be added to the transport containers.
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