LONG Jiyang,ZHANG Wenyu,RUAN Changqing.Construction of Intelligent Label for Chicken Freshness Based on Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanins and Gelatin[J].Packaging Engineering,2025,(1):97-105.
Construction of Intelligent Label for Chicken Freshness Based on Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanins and Gelatin
中文关键词: 紫薯花青素  明胶  二醛基纤维素  食品新鲜度指标
英文关键词: purple sweet potato anthocyanins  gelatin  dialdehyde cellulose  food freshness indicator
龙吉杨 西南大学 食品科学学院重庆 400715 
张文瑜 西南大学 食品科学学院重庆 400715 
阮长晴 西南大学 食品科学学院重庆 400715
西南大学 川渝共建特色食品重庆市重点实验室重庆 400715 
      目的 开发一种新型明胶基新鲜度指示标签,解决明胶基新鲜度指示膜水溶液稳定性差及天然色素迁移问题,探究二醛基纤维素的添加对指示薄膜稳定性的增益作用,以及复合指示薄膜的新鲜度指示性能。方法 以明胶(Gelatin,GE)为成膜基质,以二醛基纤维素(Dialdehyde cellulose,DAC)为交联剂,以紫薯花青素(Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanins,PSPA)为pH敏感色素,制备了PSPA/DAC/GE复合薄膜,用于指示鸡肉新鲜度。结果 红外光谱图(FT-IR)、水溶液稳定性测试等结果表明,DAC的加入能有效降低复合膜的溶胀度和溶解性,并能更好地负载PSPA。将PSPA/DAC/GE用于鸡肉新鲜度监测,针对鸡肉变质过程中产生的氨气,复合薄膜表现出良好的响应性。其中,当PSPA的含量为GE干质量的10%时,指示膜的显色效果最明显。结论 成功地将PSPA/DAC/GE复合薄膜用于鸡肉新鲜度的监测,实现了新鲜度可视化,有效降低了消费者接触变质食品的风险,为生产者和消费者提供了更加便捷的生产消费方式。
      The work aims to develop a new gelatin-based freshness indicator label to solve the problems of poor stability of aqueous solution and natural pigment migration of gelatin-based freshness indicator film, and explore the gain effect of the addition of dialdehyde-based cellulose on the stability of the indicator film and the freshness indication performance of the composite indicator film. The PSPA/DAC/GE composite films were prepared with gelatin (GE) as the film-forming matrix, dialdehyde cellulose (DAC) as the cross-linking agent, and purple sweet potato anthocyanins (PSPA) as the pH-sensitive pigment to indicate the freshness of chicken. Experimental results such as infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and aqueous solution stability test showed that the addition of DAC could effectively reduce the swelling and solubility of the composite film, and could better load PSPA. PSPA/DAC/GE was used to monitor the chicken freshness and the composite film showed good response to ammonia generated during the deterioration of chicken, and the color development effect of the indicator film was most obvious when the PSPA content was 10% of the dry weight of GE. This shows that the PSPA/DAC/GE composite film can be successfully used for chicken freshness monitoring and freshness visualization, thereby effectively reducing the risk of consumers coming into contact with spoiled food and providing producers and consumers with a more convenient way of production and consumption.
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