魏华,谢启思,李昕,陆定邦.手指康复设备设计的情景设计模型[J].包装工程,2024,(24):99-107, 171.
Situational Design Model for Design of Finger Rehabilitation Device
中文关键词: 情景设计  网络分析过程(ANP)  模糊综合评价(FCE)  手指康复设备
英文关键词: situational design  Analytic Network Process (ANP)  Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE)  finger rehabilitation device
魏华 广东工业大学广州 510000 
谢启思 广东工业大学广州 510000 
李昕 广东工业大学广州 510000 
陆定邦 广东工业大学广州 510000 
      目的 为解决中青年脑卒中单侧手指障碍患者回归职场面对办公场景下的手指动作训练设备设计问题,基于情景设计理论提出构建情景设计模型,帮助康复企业指导设计者进行康复设备设计。方法 采用情境设计框架与网络分析过程(ANP)和模糊综合评价(FCE)方法集成,形成手指康复设备设计的情景设计模型。首先,通过情景设计建立设计要素框架;其次,通过ANP和FCE的方法集成,对获取的设计标准和要素进行权重、排名和综合评估,得到用于办公场景的手指康复设备可行要素;最后,通过迭代,量化可行的标准和要素,并用于指导案例设计。结论 通过建立情景设计模型,指导设计了一款手指康复设备,该情景设计模型有利于设计者筛选关键设计要素,让设计方案得到优化,从而为患者提供更优的康复训练设备,为企业提供康复训练设备设计范式。
      The work aims to propose the construction of a scenario design model based on the theory of scenario design, address the issue of designing finger exercise equipment for middle-aged and young stroke survivors with unilateral finger impairments, specifically for use in office settings as they return to the workplace, and assist rehabilitation enterprises in guiding designers in the design of rehabilitation equipment. The study integrated the scenario design framework with the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) methods to form a scenario design model for finger rehabilitation equipment. Firstly, a design element framework was established through scenario design. Secondly, through the integration of ANP and FCE methods, the obtained design criteria and elements were weighted, ranked, and comprehensively evaluated to obtain feasible elements for finger rehabilitation equipment in office settings. Finally, through iteration, the feasible criteria and elements were quantified and used to guide case design. By establishing a scenario design model, a finger rehabilitation device is designed. This scenario design model is beneficial for designers to select key design elements, optimize design solutions, and provide better rehabilitation training equipment for patients. It also offers a rehabilitation training equipment design paradigm for enterprises.
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