Construction Method of Urban Cultural Symbol System Guided by Public Perception
中文关键词: 公众感知  城市文化  符号体系  可视化图谱
英文关键词: public perception  urban cultural  symbol system  visualization map
王宁 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
王伟伟 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
杨晓燕 陕西科技大学西安 710021 
魏韦华 陕西西部广告传媒有限公司西安 710115 
余隋怀 陕西科技大学西安 710021
西北工业大学西安 710072 
      目的 针对城市文化符号建构过程中的认知与感知问题,从公众感知机制角度提出城市文化符号体系构建方法,提升大众对文化符号形象的认知,促进感知共识。方法 将城市文化资源作为研究对象,分析多目标人群感知需求与偏好;根据多目标人群感知诉求梳理城市文化元素,明确评价指标,采用关联度分析和引导性访谈法优选高价值典型要素;结合可视化图谱呈现符号元素关系结构,并基于此生成系列化设计方案与生态化应用策略。结果 以夷陵文化符号体系为例进行验证,结果表明“需求整合-要素优选-可视化分析与呈现”的符号体系构建流程能够有效满足大众文化认知和情感认同诉求,提升符号体系的可用性和适用性。结论 将公众感知融入城市文化符号体系构建中,可促进大众对文化符号的感知与共情,助力城市文化建设。该方法在区域文化符号研究中具有普适性,能够有效实现特色资源的系统梳理、文化认同与创新转译。
      The work aims to propose a method to construct the urban cultural symbol system from the perspective of public perception to address the issue of cognition and perception in the process of urban cultural symbolization, as well as to enhance the public awareness of cultural symbols and promote perceptual consensus. With urban cultural resources as the research object, an analysis was conducted on the perceived requirements and preferences of multi-target people toward urban cultural resources. Subsequently, the urban cultural elements were sorted out according to the perceived demands. The evaluation indicators were clearly defined. High-value typical cultural elements were screened by correlation analysis and guided interviews. While the relationship structure of symbolic elements was depicted by visual atlas. On this basis, series design schemes and ecological application strategies were generated. In the investigation of the Yiling cultural symbol system, it was found that the implementation of the symbolic system of "demand integration-factor optimization-visual analysis and presentation" effectively fulfilled the demands of public cultural cognition and emotional identity, therefore facilitating the availability and applicability of the symbolic system. Integrating public perception into the construction of urban cultural symbol systems can promote the perception and empathy of the public to cultural symbols, and help the construction of urban culture. This method is universal in the study of regional cultural symbols, and can enable the systematic sorting of characteristic cultures, cultural recognition, and innovative translation.
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