刘文,桂慧.基于眼动实验的增强现实抬头显示器色彩编码研究[J].包装工程,2024,(24):152-162, 191. |
基于眼动实验的增强现实抬头显示器色彩编码研究 |
Color Coding of Augmented Reality Head-up Display Based on Eye Movement Experiments |
投稿时间:2024-07-16 |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2024.24.015 |
中文关键词: 增强现实抬头显示器 色彩编码 眼动实验 信息可识别性 |
英文关键词: augmented reality head-up display color coding eye movement experiments information recognizability |
基金项目:武汉工程大学研究生教育创新基金项目(CX2023534) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 增强现实抬头显示器(AR-HUD)的色彩编码是影响驾驶员认知绩效的关键因素。分析AR-HUD中显示信息的色彩搭配对用户的影响,探究最易识别和理解的配色方案,并提出相应的设计建议,以提高用户在使用AR-HUD时识别和理解信息的速度。方法 采用眼动追踪技术,收集被试者在模拟昼夜驾驶条件下观看不同配色方案的眼动数据,提取兴趣区域内的首次注视时间、首次注视持续时间、平均注视持续时间共3项注视类指标。结合被试者的主观评价,对AR-HUD的不同配色方案进行了综合分析。结论 白天环境下,青色与白色或橙色的组合能有效吸引驾驶员注意,可识别性和可理解性较高;红色可视性较低;绿色与青色的组合容易导致信息混淆;黄色在强光环境下的信息可见度较低。夜间环境下,黄色搭配白色或青色有助于快速吸引驾驶员注意力并有效处理信息。研究结论可为AR-HUD界面设计的色彩搭配提供参考。 |
英文摘要: |
The color coding of augmented reality head-up display (AR-HUD) is a crucial factor affecting the cognitive performance of drivers. The work aims to analyze the influence of color matching of the display information in AR-HUD on users, explore the most recognizable and understandable color scheme, and put forward corresponding design suggestions to improve the speed of users in recognizing and understanding information with AR-HUD. Eye movement tracking technology was used to collect eye movement data of subjects watching different color schemes under simulated driving conditions during the day and night, and three fixation indicators were extracted, including the first fixation time, the first fixation duration, and the average fixation duration in the region of interest. Combined with the subjective evaluation of the subjects, the different color schemes of AR-HUD were comprehensively analyzed. In the daytime, the combination of cyan and white or orange can effectively attract the driver's attention, and the recognizability and comprehensibility are higher, the visibility of red is lower, the combination of green and cyan easily causes information confusion and in the strong light environment, the information visibility of yellow is lower. In nighttime environments, yellow with white or cyan can help capture the driver's attention and process information quickly and effectively. The research results can provide reference for the color design of AR-HUD interface. |
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