胡俊红,李炳蔚.论中国传统家具造物设计的生态观[J].包装工程,2024,(24):204-213, 288.
Ecological View of Thing-making Design in Traditional Chinese Furniture
中文关键词: 传统家具  生态  造物设计  文化  可持续
英文关键词: traditional furniture  ecology  thing-making design  culture  sustainable
胡俊红 湖南工业大学 包装设计艺术学院湖南 株洲 412007 
李炳蔚 湖南工业大学 包装设计艺术学院湖南 株洲 412007 
      目的 探究传统家具造物设计中的生态理念,归纳中国传统家具生态观的具体体现和应用,有助于加深对传统家具文化的理解、推动传统工艺的传承与发展。方法 通过文献研究法和案例分析法获取信息,系统地分析了中国传统家具设计在思想观念、文化传承、制作工艺、生产方式等方面体现出的生态观,并分析其与当代生态理念的关联与互动。结论 中国传统家具造物受“天人合一”“道器合一”等哲学思想的影响,合“理”重“道”,格物致用,崇尚“素雅”审美,追求与自然的和谐共生。在功能上求实、结构上求简、装饰上求度、材料上求善、工技上求巧,体现了生态设计理念,为现代家具的可持续设计提供新的借鉴和思路。
      The work aims to explore the ecological concepts in the thing-making design of traditional Chinese furniture, summarize the specific manifestations and applications of the ecological view of traditional Chinese furniture, help deepen the understanding of traditional furniture culture, and promote the inheritance and development of traditional craftsmanship. By literature research and case analysis methods, the information was obtained and the ecological views reflected in traditional Chinese furniture design were systematically analyzed in terms of ideological concepts, cultural inheritance, production processes, and production methods, and its correlation and interaction with contemporary ecological concepts were investigated. The thing-making design of traditional Chinese furniture is influenced by philosophical ideas such as "unity of heaven and man" and "unity of Tao and utensils". It emphasizes the importance of "reason" and "Tao", selects objects for practical use, advocates "simplicity and elegance" aesthetics, and pursues harmonious coexistence with nature and seeks practicality in function, simplicity in structure, precision in decoration, goodness in materials, and ingenuity in craftsmanship, reflecting the concept of ecological design and providing new references and ideas for sustainable design of modern furniture.
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