万云青,罗天悦.灾害预警图形视觉信息传播效能研究[J].包装工程,2024,(24):415-421. |
灾害预警图形视觉信息传播效能研究 |
Visual Information Communication Efficiency of Disaster Warning Graphics |
投稿时间:2024-07-22 |
DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2024.24.042 |
中文关键词: 灾害预警图形 演示机能 动效实现 传播效能 |
英文关键词: disaster warning graphic demonstration function dynamic efficiency realization communication efficiency |
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中文摘要: |
目的 对我国现有灾害预警图形展开梳理,从设计的角度研讨灾害预警图形的属性,推演灾害预警图形视觉信息传播效能要点。方法 通过问卷调查法获取定量数据并得出结论,结合案例分析法推演灾害预警图形传播效能,最后依据符号学相关理论,研究灾害预警图形的信息设计与传播效能的实现。结果 总结出“演示机能”与“动效实现”可实现科普向灾害预警图形的有效传播。结论 灾害预警图形视觉信息传播效能是需要建立在信息完整与准确基础之上的。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to sort out the current disaster warning graphics in China, explore the attributes of disaster warning graphics from the perspective of design and deduce the key points of visual information communication efficiency of disaster warning graphics. Through questionnaire survey, the quantitative data were obtained and a conclusion was drawn. Combined with case analysis, the communication efficiency of disaster warning graphics was deduced. Based on semiotic theories, the methods to information design and communication efficiency of disaster warning graphics were studied. It was concluded that "demonstration function" and "dynamic efficiency realization" could realize the effective communication of popular science to disaster warning graphics. The communication efficiency of visual information in disaster warning graphics needs to be based on the integrity and accuracy of information. |
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