Strategy and Practice Path of Urban and Rural Community Governance Empowered by Scientific and Technological Art
中文关键词: 科技艺术  城乡社区治理  智慧社区  实践路径
英文关键词: scientific and technological art  urban and rural community governance  smart community  practice path
李佳璐 四川美术学院重庆 401331 
曾令香 四川美术学院重庆 401331 
      目的 随着科技的快速发展,城乡社区治理面临着新的挑战和机遇。科技艺术以其前卫独特的艺术形态、创新性、互动性为城乡社区治理提供了新的思路与策略。本文旨在初步探讨科技艺术如何赋能城乡社区治理,在提升治理效率的同时探讨其于可持续发展等方面的实践路径。方法 首先,通过文献研究法梳理出目前科技艺术对城乡社区治理的影响;其次,通过案例分析法分层次地分析案例,揭示科技艺术赋能社区治理的实践路径;最后,通过对相关理论的剖析与对比,总结科技艺术如何促进城乡社区治理的创新与提升。结果 科技艺术通过创新文化传播、增强社区互动及优化治理流程,有效促进了信息共享、文化交流、社区活力的提升,助力社区的凝聚力和向心力。结论 科技艺术作为一种新兴力量,为城乡社区治理提供了新的视角和路径。科技艺术与城乡社区治理的融合,能够以科技艺术推动城乡构建,助益更智能、高效且充满人文关怀的城乡社区治理体系,促进城乡一体化发展。
      In light of the accelerated pace of scientific and technological advancement, urban and rural community governance is confronted with novel challenges and prospects. Relying on avant-garde and distinctive art form, innovative nature, and interactivity, the scientific and technological art provides novel ideas and strategies for urban and rural community governance. The work aims to initially examine the potential of scientific and technological art to enhance urban and rural community governance and improve governance efficiency, while also exploring the practice path for its sustainable development and other related aspects. Firstly, the current impact of scientific and technological art on urban and rural community governance was identified through a review of existing literature. Secondly, the cases were analyzed hierarchically through the case study method in order to reveal the practice path through which scientific and technological arts can empower community governance. Finally, an analysis and comparison of relevant theories was presented, which outlined how scientific and technological art could facilitate innovation and enhancement in urban and rural community governance. The results demonstrated that scientific and technological art effectively promoted information sharing, cultural exchange, community vitality, and enhanced community cohesion and centripetal force through innovative cultural communication, enhanced community interaction, and optimized governance processes. In conclusion, scientific and technological art as an emerging force offers novel perspectives and paths for urban and rural community governance. The integration of scientific and technological art with urban and rural community governance can facilitate the development of urban and rural areas through the incorporation of scientific and technological art, thereby enhancing the efficiency, humanity, and overall coherence of urban and rural community governance systems, and promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas.
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