Modern Innovative Graphic Narrative Design of Yangzhou Jade Carving from the Perspective of Jiangnan Culture
中文关键词: 图像叙事  非物质文化遗产  扬州玉雕  创新
英文关键词: graphic narration  intangible cultural heritage  Yangzhou jade carving  innovation
罗榕榕 南京工业大学艺术设计学院 研究生院南京 211816 
吴一凡 南京工业大学艺术设计学院 研究生院南京 211816 
王原 南京工业大学艺术设计学院 研究生院南京 211816 
汪雨柔 西交利物浦大学 设计学院江苏 苏州 215028 
      目的 扬州玉雕艺术历史悠久,是宝贵的国家级非物质文化遗产,也是中华文化的重要传承载体。但近年来工匠精神在玉雕行业中逐渐消失,扬州玉雕正面临着严峻的生存危机。如何将农业社会手工业属性的传统玉雕制作理念注入适应当代社会审美的设计作品中,活态传承扬州玉雕非物质遗产文化,是传承与发展扬州玉雕文化产业面临的主要挑战。方法 基于文化保护与传承创新的视角,梳理与总结扬州湾头的玉雕发展历史,归纳扬州玉雕“源湾头”的地域性特质,挖掘“扬州工”的工匠精神内涵,结合图像叙事设计开发扬州玉雕非物质文化遗产。结果 以符合当代审美与时代精神的设计手法和视觉语言重对扬州玉雕进行再创作实践。结论 探索扬州玉雕非物质文化遗产活态传承的当代图像叙事新模式,可以为扬州玉雕在当今社会语境下找到新的文化载体,并为非物质文化遗产的保护、传承和传播提供新的思路。
      With a long artistic history, Yangzhou jade carving is renown as a precious national intangible cultural heritage, as well as a crucial carrier for inheriting of Chinese culture. However, the craftsmanship has gradually disappeared in the jade carving industry in recent years. Yangzhou jade carving is confronting with severe survival crisis. It is a major challenge for the inheritance and development of Yangzhou intangible cultural heritage industry in terms of how to inject the concept related to traditional jade carving production with the handicraft attributes related to agricultural society into the contemporary society to promote living inheritance of the intangible heritage culture of Yangzhou jade carving. From the perspective of cultural protection, inheritance and innovation, the development history of Yangzhou Wantou jade carving was sorted out and summarized, the regional features of Yangzhou "Original Wantou" were concluded, the connotation of craftsmanship related to "Yangzhou craftsman" was mined, the intangible cultural heritage of Yangzhou jade carving was designed and developed in combination with the design for visual narration. By relying on the design techniques and visual language in line with the modern aesthetics and the spirits of the times, the recreation of Yangzhou jade carving was achieved accordingly. The exploration of new mode of modern image narration for living inheritance of Yangzhou jade carving intangible culture can find a new cultural carrier for Yangzhou jade carving in the current social context and provide new thoughts and ideas for protection, inheritance and spreading of intangible cultural heritage.
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